
CE Declaration of Performance (DoP)

EN 14399-4 / EN 14399-6

High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. System HV.
Ferrometal supplier nr. 905380

EN 14566

Mechanical fasteners for gypsum plasterboard systems
Ferrometal supplier nr. 946

EN 14592

Fasteners for load bearing timber structures

Product group Download DoP  
0193 Chipboard screws Fixcutter, zinc plated, csunk0194 Chipboard screws, zinc plated, pan head0197 Chipboard screws, zinc plated, csunkFerrometal supplier nr 1223 Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888
11822 Chipboard screws, A2, csunk2182 Chipboard screws, A2, pan head- Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888
36855 Timber fixing screws, steel+RuspertFerrometal supplier nr. 88  
36857 Timber fixing screws, A2Ferrometal supplier nr. 88  
6188 Terrace screws, steel+RuspertFerrometal supplier nr. 1223 Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888
71880 Terrace screws, A4- Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888
71882 Terrace screws, A2- Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888
71885/71888 Terrace screws, AISI 410+RuspertFerrometal supplier nr 88Ferrometal supplier nr. 1223Ferrometal supplier nr. 88888

EN 15048-1

Non-preloaded structural bolting assemblies. System SB.

Ferrometal supplier nr. 905586 / manufacturer head mark “L”

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 1156 / manufacturer head mark “Z”

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 905470 / manufacturer head mark   

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 905133 / manufacturer head mark ”G”

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr.1548 / manufacturer head mark   

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 1239 / manufacturer head mark   

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 926 / manufacturer headmark "MTS"

EN 15048-1

Saskrūvējumi ar iepriekš neslogotām bultskrūvēm. SB sistēma.

Ferrometal supplier nr. 905586 / Ražotājs ar skrūvju marķējumu “L”

Ferrometal supplier nr. 1156 / Ražotājs ar skrūvju marķējumu “Z”

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 905470 / Ražotājs ar skrūvju marķējumu   

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr. 905133 / Ražotājs ar skrūvju marķējumu ”G”

Ferrometal Oy supplier nr.1548 / Ražotājs ar skrūvju marķējumu   

Fix Master Toge productsFINENGEELVLTRUS
TSM 5-6 High PerformanceDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
TSM 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 High PerformanceDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
Fix master MKT Option 1FISVENEELVLT
Fix master MKT Option 7FISVENEELVLT
Angle brackets, joist hangers and perforated plates  
Angle brackets (with ribs and without) DoP + ETA-08/0183
Corner brackets RL DoP + ETA-09/0355
Joist hangers (inner and outer) DoP + ETA-09/0021
Perforated plates EN 14545:2008 DoP
Option 1 for concreteDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
For post-installed rebarDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
Option 1 for concreteDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
Fix master FIT-Pe 270 Pe-270 DoP FIN SWE ENG EE LV LT
For concrete DoP DoP DoP DoP DoP DoP
For masonry DoP DoP DoP DoP DoP DoP