Quality & certificates
Our Customers´ C -parts are Our A -parts
Our customers operate in very different fields. We supply mounting fasteners for heavy machinery building, the automotive industry, and to installation/renovation companies operating in the field of construction. However, all of our customers rely on high-quality fastening hardware supplied by Ferrometal. When it comes to fasteners, Ferrometal is the expert.
Acceptable Quality Level - AQL
The goods received are subjected to quality control tests conducted by Ferrometal and based on our documented inspection plan, which in turns is based on the international standard ISO 3269: 2019 Fasteners – Acceptance inspection, unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser in the course of placing the order. The standard specifies the inspection criteria and processes for the products, as well as the AQL (Acceptable Quality Level), which is a statistical method for product quality detection in the course of the acceptance inspection.
Quality by Manufacturer, Quality Check by Ferrometal
Ferrometal acquires the fasteners supplied directly from manufacturers known for high quality, thus cutting out the middleman. The supplier-approval is based on plant audits carried out by the suppliers themselves or by the group of companies, or else approval is based on other procedures considered sufficient.
The manufacturers apply their own quality systems requiring production-related quality control. When a shipment arrives to Ferrometal, the operation control system forwards it to our own quality control department. Inspection records and any material certificates that may be associated with the delivery (for example, EN 10204 3.1) are stored in an electronic database for at least 10 years.