For business customers only  

Fix master Toge


Browse the Fix master Toge new range catalogue (2016)

- zinc plated steel
- zinc flake-coated steel
- A4 stainless steel
- HCR high corrosion-resistant steel

Base material:
- approved for concrete C 20/25 to C 50/60
- cracked and non-cracked concrete
- suitable for natural stone with a dense microsrtucture
- prestressed hollow core slabs C 30/37 to C 50/60 (Only screw size 6)

Product features:
- quick and safe installation
- high load capacity in cracked and non-cracked concrete
- load transmission via undercut
- can be easily removed completely
- can be loaded immediately

- pipeline fastening
- ceiling suspension fastening
- handrail bracket fastening
- fastening of shelf uprights in high-bay warehouses
- ventilation duct fastening
- wood substructure fastening

ProdLib Design Library for designers

Designers receive material about Fix Mmaster Toge concrete screws easily and user-friendly way through the ProdLib design of the library. ProdLib enhance the AutoCAD design by providing a realistic product models as well as comprehensive technical data and approvals in support of the design. Anyone who uses this software is of course FREE.

Install Prodlib

Tekla Warehouse

Fix master Toge High Performance concrete screws are also available in Tekla Warehouse. Click here

DesignFix Anchor Design Software

Fix master FIT resins can also be found from DesignFix anchoring design software

Download DesignFix

Approval documents

TSM Technical Data TR020 Fire Resistance

TSM Technical Data ETA Option 1

TSM LT A4 Technical data

TSM 6 Technical Data for prestressed hollow core slabs

TSM 5 & 6 Technical data ETA Part 6



ETA-21/0425 TSM High Performance LT

ETA-23/0542 TSM Multiground

TSM 5-6 High PerformanceDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP
TSM 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 High PerformanceDoPDoPDoPDoPDoPDoP

Get in touch and we´ll tell you more about Toge products:

Ferrometal sales +358 10 308 4500 or
Ferrometal Baltic +372 6990 470 or (Estonia)
Ferrometal Latvia sales office +371 6728 0581 or (Latvia & Lithuania)

Fix Master Toge products Fix MAster Toge käyttökohteet